Special thanks to my lovely group members willing to work hard together to complete this FINAL ASSIGNMENT:
- Khoo Seng Fui_1101108877
- Lee Pui Sun_1101108875
- Soh Jian Yuan_1091104099
- Yeoh Zhi Sheng_ 1091102952
........................and ME, Wong Shu Ping_ 1101108901
Here are our process works :-
Step 1 : Logical Mind Map done by our group ~!

and this is another logical mind map. we chose the keyword DESIGN from the 1st mind map we done~!

Step 2: Essay Report

After consult with our lecturer, Mr Yap Sau Bin, we decided to change the keyword to advertising.

Here the report that focus on advertising in creative multimedia....

and we come out the statement : "Advertising evolves with Creative Multimedia"
Based on this statement, we sketch our ideas according the mind map below .....
Step 3: Ramdom word association

Step 5: Sketches

By Lee Pui Sun :)

By Yeoh Zhi Sheng ;P

By Soh Jia Yuan =]

By Khoo Seng Fui =)

By ME, Wong Shu Ping =D
Step 6: The Final Choice~

Step 6: Final work done by Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
TAaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~!!!
Ok I LUST some of your artwork on this! Rock on!