- Khoo Seng Fui_1101108877
- Lee Pui Sun_1101108875
- Soh Jian Yuan_1091104099
- Yeoh Zhi Sheng_ 1091102952
........................and ME, Wong Shu Ping_ 1101108901
Here are our process works :-
Step 1 : Logical Mind Map done by our group ~!
and this is another logical mind map. we chose the keyword DESIGN from the 1st mind map we done~!
and we come out the statement : "Advertising evolves with Creative Multimedia"
Based on this statement, we sketch our ideas according the mind map below .....
Step 3: Ramdom word association
Based on this statement, we sketch our ideas according the mind map below .....
Step 3: Ramdom word association
Step 5: Sketches
Ok I LUST some of your artwork on this! Rock on!